Sunday, June 3, 2007

the secret

wow, ok - here we go! another aspect of life clicks into place.

I just watched 'the secret'

I had thought that most of the information here would be 'old hat' to me; but instead I've been blown away.

This movie goes into the realm of "thought forms reality" - a subject that has been very strong in my life all these last years with all the wishes I've been making [that keep coming true].

Seth book also went deep into this subject; and there are countless connections with it here too.

What I liked about the secret was the angle; it's a very practical application of the principle: "ask, answer and receive". And because of the practical approach it has addressed some of the very topics I had swirling in my head lately.

One subject is directly related to the permaculture summary I'm writing... 'how can you write about a subject, that is about the environment, and avoid being negative?' - I can see the answer now clearly; probably because the question is now properly formed.

Tone of voice is essential. I think that perhaps one of the main reason that people are not that into 'left' movements is because they are generally negative, and limiting.


Thats a word that doesn't occur much anymore; but it should.

The real issue with the world is awareness. Or rather; what needs to be *encouraged* is awareness-consciousness. Through this: abundance - as well as protection for nature and all the things we love - will follow.

The new politics you will see soon will no longer divide views of left and right. People will soon learn that any good leader is an integrated one. You can't have wealth if you are making money [right] but there is no roof over your head [left]. The left, and by this I mean mainly the greens, will also learn that they need to focus on promoting love and values for the things they want to protect - not hate towards the 'invisible force' that destroys the world.

We are all people, and the vast majority of us mean to do well.

My challenge now is going to be in how to accommodate this perspective into a subject that has a natural tendency to be negative-defeatist.

And in my own domain of reality; I'm now reconsidering again my dilemma of whether wishes are necessary. Now that I have yet more information at my finger tips; here is how the decision positions itself:

first my prior conclusions:

1. wishing is not necessary because it is too powerful a gift to use all the time for 'mundane' things [which i guess meant my personal life]. the 'wishing' force under this premise became a hidden-for-important-causes wild card.
2. its not necessary to make wishes to prove that reality is formed by suggestion because i have had this proven to me 3 years in a row unequivocally.
3. i'd like to see how life unfolds without making wishes, to just let the universe unfold without making predeterminations/expectations.

however, already since i came to this conclusion [this is now back in December 2006/ january 2007] - i noticed a few things...

1. wishes i had made but then decided 'not' to wish for, came true anyways
2. suggestion: whether formed as a wish, or simply thought in passing was as powerful as a wish - and since the mind makes suggestions all-the-time - this meant that its been very difficult [if not impossible] to not make wishes even if i didn't want to...

so here is where my concept about wishes and reality expands one layer further.

instead of it being loose "wishes come true". I'm realizing that its not just wishes that come true; but all thoughts form all reality. period. so whether i form my thoughts as 'wishes' or just as 'thoughts' or as 'feelings' - it's irrelevant.

given this new conclusion, it would seem that its rather silly to then decide not to make conscious wishes... because by saying to myself:

"i will not make wishes"

all i am really saying is:

"i do not deserve: _____"

what ever it was i would have wanted to wish for...

and that makes a lot of sense.
[although this hidden layer of my psychology was not obvious to me until now]

so now I'm on a self-applied think-feel-creative-thought-program. I'm reinstating my wish for this year, and in fact I'm making several and they are no longer year based [the sooner they manifest, the nicer].

haha, and to think today was a day i was feeling a bit down-and-low. and then suddenly things turn around completely and i write a blog entry like this! i must be doing something right...

hugs and kisses [if you're into those things] to you, wherever you might be,



Bruce Scanlon said...

Great post.

There has been much discussion about the secret around these parts, not always entirely positive, but on the whole very approving.

My suggestion for you, which you seem to be doing, is to keep in mind your own personal powers and pathways of manifestation-- stuff working for you already.

I got myself a bit mixed up and confused for a while because I started wanting to more explicitly use Secret-style techniques rather than doing what I was already, which was manifesting up a storm. So I actually got sort of sidetracked.

Or, viewing things in a non sequential way, it all makes sense, first the heavy manifesting, then watching the secret. Communication from the future informing the present.

Bruce :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sebastian, Bruce has linked to your post in my Tribe - as it is pertinent to discussions we have been having.

What I love about The Secret is the joyfulness that resonates throughout. for me that is the main message - that we are at our most effective when joyful.

Right now I am in the middle of watching it with the commentary on - it's in "Set Up" where they talk about how it all came together. Its as affirming as the doco itself.

OK nice to meet you - Briar