Friday, July 4, 2008

Delicious bookmarks: by the people for the people

many years ago i thought it would be great if you could meta tag and rate your bookmarks and then share those bookmarks with others on the internet publicly.

Now someone has finally done just that very thing, I just found this site and immediately I found far better search results with it than with Google. The problem with Google is that if you are looking for things you often just find sites that want to sell you things. For example: if I type in 'free textures' I get sites where I get 'free previews of textures', and rarely are they actually any good when they are in fact free... and then I have to pay to see it...

Since lists bookmarks by people who thought that the textures were free, they probably really are. The first 10 hits were all exactly what I was looking for...

So, maybe you will also find this site useful. Combined with my RSS netvibes, I now have two really good sites now for general information collecting and sorting...


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