Monday, November 5, 2007

Into the rabbit hole,

Dearest friends all across this blue world,

This is a scary post to be writing, somehow.

These last few months I was eagerly awaiting a 'hunch' - some kind of intuitive feeling that told me that a certain place was calling me. This calling came from...

Are you sure you want to know where? Isn't this where we have a final commercial break?

Maybe you had better grab some tea or coffee, or go to the loo, and contemplate life for about 10 min, and then keep reading this post. That would make it read more like a good television program... [and give me time to do some final editing]

Ok, ok, I'll tell you.

If you take the first letter of every word on wikipedia's subject of emethiologiums, and reverse it - you will get an anagram of prime numbers which translate to where I am moving to; minus the first two letters, which you will find in the first 2 posts on my blog hidden under the shadow of a water mark.

Not buying it? Hey! Don't get angry!!! I'm just playing!

I've decided to try my luck at living in Portland, Oregon.

Just kidding!

Ok, ok, no, I'm not kidding, yes: portland oregon!

A totally unexpected direction; especially since just a few months ago I thought I wouldn't be visiting / let alone living, in the USA any time soon.

It's impossible to say what life will be like, but from the short time I spent, I have a good feeling.

Well, why Portland?

Well for art, music, permaculture courses, massage courses, and spiritual pursuits this seems like a good place.

There are a large percentage of green jobs around, so I'm hoping that I can also find some work I believe in.

People and community are very strong, as you have all probably ascertained, I've met lots of people already there; so this is one factor that is already sorted [I don't have to wonder what kind of friends/people I will meet there cause I already know many people].

Culturally there is also something I quite like about the way people think and interact.

Nature access is great; mountains, forests, beach and hot springs; all fairly close to the city.

The negative points of Portland are, as far as I can see: Rain's half the year, people drive lots of cars, it's in the USA, it's further from my mother than England.

Well, England and Holland also get lots of rain, and the weather in NZ in the winter is also not that great; so really this is a bit moot. I was just there in the rainy season, and I felt that people's moods were not negatively affected; actually, people seemed to be social and creative with the rain coming in, so this makes me feel less apprehensive. The good news is, just a few hours away you can generally find sunshine.

Car's: well, you can get around the city no problem on a bike, so that reserves car's for just trips. I can live with that.

Its the USA: well, thats a much tougher one. Politics of war, consumerism, capitalism, petroleum, ignorance and abuse of the poor. All i can say is that as long as i can find a way to make a difference on this level, then I am doing my part to make a positive difference in a situation that needs help, not avoidance.

I can't say yet how I plan on making a difference here, but what ever means I select, it will be a way that I feel is mutually beneficial.

One idea is to visit a native American reservation for a few weeks [at some point in 2008]; I'm keen on learning and living with the land's ancestors.

Art is such a big thing in Portland, and as an artist there is quite a few options/entries, so I also plan on putting a lot of energy into my artwork while I am there - a reprioritization of sorts.

The 'further from my mother than England' bit is a tough one. I've considered this point so much already I'm not even sure where to start on the subject. All I can say is that I hope the balance between my personal goals and my responsibilities is functioning properly. I hope I am doing the right thing.

Oh and I'll be heading there in Feb. 2008 - that gives me just enough time to do my taxes here for 2007 and close off things with Holland + move my mother - if she indeed does chose to relocate to France.

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