Wednesday, October 18, 2006

for all you crazy cookies

gday mate! another day, ah!

i've changed the chip in my phone, my number is now an OZ one!
you can reach me, sms me, call me and pamper me on the following dial-ingual link:

00+country code for australia [erm, i have no idea...] + 4 35032755

from amsterdam to australia is 8 hours difference... so when its 18:00 in australia, its 10:00 in amsterdam...

well, i wasn't able to get a livaboard sorted in carins, its a bummer, but oh well... i will go dive tomorrow though, and finally get my certification card [ahem...]

for thu and friday i'm nto sure what to do... considering either an island trip, or a rent a car and drive into more rain forest escurtion...

cairns is weird; bars everywhere, shops up to your eye balls, and me killign time as much as possible here... now that all my latest dutch, french and english friends have left me to go their own ways i'm not too sure anymore how to fill the time... it's odd how things roll about when you are traveling non-stop for oodles of time.

sat i see ihor!! woohoo!! i'm very excited to finally see the old surfing fela and its likely we will drive down the coast together... should be fun! maybe we will even add soem other back packers to the deal to share costs, we will see...

ok tata for now!

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