Thursday, March 13, 2008

online art expo, links & updates

hello everyone!

Well, in 3 weeks I'll be moving out of Amsterdam, moving my mother to the south of France - and I will be in Portland Oregon at or around the 15th of April! So now I'm also in a total vortex of rapidly moving water, so much to organize! Crazy times.

In parallel to all this, a good friend of mine [Cory] has organized a showing of my art work at a festival in Canada! You can view the information on the festival here:

Kognitive festival

And you can also secretly view the slide show presentation I will be displaying at the festival, online, from this link:

view slide show presentation

On a more practical note, you may already have a great RSS/news reader, but if not, I just discovered, and I'm sold on their system, it's made collecting and reading up on news and updates to different websites a lot easier!

That's all from me for now, more again soon!



Bruce Scanlon said...

Hi Sebastian!

FYI the netvibes link is bad-- leads to your basic omni search page no content here site.

Too bad, I haven't made the RSS leap yet, and this might have been it!

sebastian chedal said...

link fixed! hope you like.